Explore a China many have not seen

黄龙沟 Huanglong Valley དགྲ་བོའི་ལྟེ་གནས།
九寨沟 Jiuzhaigou Valley གཟི་རྩ་སྡེ་དགུ
草海 Grass Lake རྩྭའི་རྒྱ་མཚོ།
松潘 (松州) Songpan Ancient Town ཕན་བདེ
雪山梁 Snow Mountain Ridge ཁ་བ་དཀར་པོ།
Panda Research and Breeding Center
邛海 Qiong Hai Lake

Immerse Yourselves in these Beautiful Locations as if you're right there

Explore some of the other locations in Sichuan

Countryside from Chengdu to Qionghai Lake

Sichuan countryside, like most areas of China, is beautiful. Unfortunately, it was very hazy so the photos do not do justice to the area. But you can tell you were in Yi country when many of the signs had Yi script as well.

Qionghai Lake 邛海 & Liangshan Yi 凉山彝族自治州 · ꆃꎭꆈꌠꊨꏦꏱꅉꍏ

Qionghai Lake, is a freshwater lake in Liangshan Prefecture and is the second largest lake in Sichuan. Xichang is the capital of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture. With Xichang Satellite Launch Center in its center, it is also known as the famous “Space City” in China.

Chengdu 成都市

Chengdu is a strategic city in the region. Serving as the hub to Tibet and the other major sites of Sichuan.

Explore Chengdu City >