Explore a China many have not seen

Anyue School, Sichuan

Anyue Primary School 安岳小学

Anyue Town, Sichuan 安岳镇
Visit Anyue Primary School 安岳小学 >
Qufu Primary School

Qufu Primary School 曲阜小学

Qufu, Shandong 山东曲阜
Visit Qufu Primary School 曲阜小学 >
Xilian Gate

Xilian Primary School 西联小学

Wan'An Town, Hebei 河北万安镇西联小学
Visit Xilian Primary 西联小学 >
Xiuning Gate

Xiuning Primary School 渭桥中心小学

Xiuning Town, Anhui 安徽省 休宁县
Visit Xiuning Primary School 渭桥中心小学 >
Kids International Ministry Gate

Kids International Ministries

Wan'An Town, Hebei 河北万安镇西联小学
Kids International Ministries >
BoAi Gate

BoAi 博爱学校

Feng Village, Qinyuan County, Shanxi 山西省沁源縣馮村
Visit BoAi 博爱学校 >

Seeds of Hope sprung from the devastating earthquake that hit Sichuan in 2008. Many lives were lost including many primary students as they were in school. As a result, Yew Chung International School foundation raised funds to help rebuilt one of the rural schools.

After seeing the impact our first SoH school had on the community and our own students, YCIS decided to continue this and initiated the Seeds of Hope to help other rural schools in dire need of renovations. What began with one school in 2008 has mushroomed into seven schools YCIS has helped in the 10 years I have been involved with SoH.

In addition to the rebuilding of the schools, my colleague and I have led over 40 different teams of teachers, students and parents to visit five of the schools during the past decade. These visits include providing lessons and activities to their students and expose our students and staff to how people live in rural China. We also try to include a Chinese cultural component to enrich our team on each visit. The schools below are those my campus have had a relationship with the past decade.

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Seeds of Hope Facts

Number of schools YCIS has helped 8
Numbers of Provinces 6
Estimated Donations >5,000,000 CNY
School Visits made by different teams 55
Lives Impacted still counting
International Locations 1
Earthquake Damage

Anyue Primary School

Anyue primary school in Sichuan was the first SoH seed planted. You can see the damage done by the earthquake.

Explore Anyue Primary School >
Qufu Construction

Qufu Primary School

Our next seed was planted in Qufu, Shandong. The conditions of the buildings were unsafe.

Come and see Qufu’s transformation >
Xilian single building

Xilian Primary School School

Our funds helped provide two new buildings. One is the new wing for kindergarten and specialty classrooms. The 2nd houses the teachers office, library and multimedia room.

See the children in Action! >
Old 1 story building

Weiqiao Primary School

While Weiqiao is the smallest in terms of student numbers, it offers the riches cultural experience we can enjoy.

Visit Weiqiao and see what's in store for you >
Site of New High School

Kids International Ministries

KIM is our first SoH project Yew Chung International School have supported outside of China. It has been a tremendous blessing to the work there, as well as impacting our student’s and teacher’s lives.

See the wonderful work done at KIDS in Manila >
First campus of Boai

Boai Primary School

Boai is not an official SoH school of YCIS. However our teams of parents have been impacted the most by this school and its history.

Find out for yourself about Boai >