Explore a China many have not seen

Shaanxi Unique landforms 陕西独特的地貌
Yucha Grand Canyon 雨岔大峡
Great Wall Ruins 长城遗址
Hukou Waterfall 壶口瀑布
Zaoyuan Revolutionary Site 枣园革命遗址
Ganquan Tofu Town 甘泉豆腐小镇
Cliff Graves 克里夫·格雷夫斯
1984 Xian Giant Wild Goose Pagoda 大雁塔

Explore the Various Sights of Shaanxi

Xi'An 1984 西安

My first trip to Xi'An from Beijing in 1984 was very memorable. Unfortunately, the photos from our family trip in 2013 were lost when my hard disk crashed. I was devastated. Thank God I still have a few of my 1984 photos. Be sure to read a few of the side story when you click through this short gallery.

Hukou Waterfall 壶口瀑布

The Hukou Waterfall壶口瀑布 is the largest waterfall on the Yellow River, the second largest waterfall in China (after the Huangguoshu Waterfall in Guizhou), and the world's largest yellow waterfall. The waterfall form a natural border between Shaanxi and Shanxi provinces.

Zaoyuan Revolution Former Site 枣园革命旧址

Zaoyuan was once the seat of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China October 1943 to March 1947. The scenic spots are now open to the small auditorium of the Secretariat of the Central Committee, Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi, Zhu De, Ren Haoshi, Zhang Wentian, Peng De's nostalgia residence.

Great Wall Ruins 长城遗址

One site that we didn't even stop but drove by rather quickly was a section of the Great Wall. It isn't Badaling in Beijing, bu I would have love to have walked around it and taken close up photos. At least the guide did mention what it was. I can claim that I have seen the most western and eastern section of the Great Wall as well as the middle.

Shaanxi Scenery 陕西风光

Shaanxi does have unique scenery. As you drive through the province you will see almost everywhere where people dwelled in caves. Depending on the safety, some still use the caves as bedrooms or storage. Or even add an extension to the caves.

Ganquan Tofu Town Hotel

Cliff Graves

Yixiantian “One Line Sky” Gorge 一线天沟

Longba Gorge 龙巴沟 Section 1

Longba Gorge 龙巴沟 Section 2

Hukou Waterfall Videos

Danxia Full Video (All 3 sites)

Danxia Site 1 Video (30sec)